As in past years, ECMWF offers a variety of training courses, workshops and seminars in 2011.
Detailed descriptions, application procedures and deadlines, as well as practical information are, or will be, provided on the calendar 2011 for the different events, such as:
- Training course: 'Use and interpretation of ECMWF Products' (31 January to 4 February, repeated 7 to 11 February). This course discusses the ECMWF products that are available for operational weather forecasting in the Member States. It is mainly aimed at forecasters or people with forecasting experience. (Please note that this course is already full for this year)
- Training course: 'Use of Computing Facilities' (the course is divided into seven separate and independent modules: 24 February to 25 March and 26 to 28 September). The objective of this course is to introduce users of ECMWF's computing and archive systems to the Centre’s facilities, and to explain how to use them.
- Training course: 'Numerical Weather Prediction' (the course is divided into four separate and independent modules: 28 March to 25 May). The objective of the meteorological training course is to assist Member States in advanced training in the field of numerical weather forecasting.
- Workshop on 'Treatment of model error in forecast model and data assimilation' (21 to 24 June). This workshop will focus on the different approaches to the representation of model error over a range of forecast timescales, from multi-model ensembles, to perturbed parameters and stochastic parametrisation. This workshop will be co-sponsored by the Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE) and the THORPEX-PDP (Predictability and Dynamical Processes) Working Group. Workshop attendance is by invitation only.
- Annual Seminar on 'Data assimilation for atmosphere and ocean' (6 to 9 September). The seminar will give a pedagogical review of the principles behind data assimilation techniques and provide detailed descriptions of the currently used assimilation techniques.
- Training course: 'Use and interpretation of ECMWF Products' for WMO Member States (10 to 14 October). This course will be organised for participants from WMO National Meteorological and Hydrological Services which are not ECMWF Member States or Co-operating States. There have been several requests for such a course to be organised following the recent extension of the list of products made available by ECMWF for WMO national hydro-meteorological services, both in numerical and graphical format.
- 13th Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems (31 October to 3 November).
- ECMWF/GABLS Workshop on 'Diurnal cycles and the stable atmospheric boundary layer' (8 to 10 November). The workshop will review the relevant research, consider the available schemes, explore the recent data sets and make recommendations for large scale models. This workshop will be co-sponsored by the GEWEX Atmospheric Boundary Layer Studies (GABLS) Working Group. Workshop attendance is by invitation only.