Claudia Di Napoli

Forecast, Evaluation, Evaluation Applications


Claudia Di Napoli is a scientist in the Forecast Department of the European Centre For Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. She is responsible for the development of an early warning prototype that provides real-time forecasts of climate-driven human health indicators (e.g., heat and cold stress metrics) on a sub-seasonal to seasonal time range and at several spatial scales, from local to national and continental.

Professional interests:
  • Weather- and climate-induced health hazards
  • Climatology, forecast and impact of extreme events
  • Early warning systems and disaster risk reduction
Career background:

Professional experience

  • From 2023 - Scientist, ECMWF
  • 2020–2023 - Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Reading
  • 2019–2020 - Scientist, ECMWF
  • 2017–2018 - Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Reading
  • 2014–2016 - Research Meteorologist, Provincia Autonoma di Trento
External recognitions
  • 2021 – Geoscience Data Journal Editors’ Award, Royal Meteorological Society
  • 2020 – Award for best scientific paper, S.W. Tromp Foundation for Biometeorological Research
  • 2018 – Travel award to young scientists (TFTAYS), S.W. Tromp Foundation for Biometeorological Research
  • 2016 – Institute of Physics Environmental Physics essay competition winner