Jesper Dramsch

Forecast, Innovation Platform


Jesper Dramsch implements state-of-the-art machine learning solutions for numerical weather prediction.

They are currently contributing to the core development of AIFS, the fully data-driven NWP model at ECMWF.

Current Contributions

Key Responsibilities

Key Achievements

Previous Contributions

Previously, Jesper was approaching different topics, e.g. post-processing, in the 10 years ML roadmap at ECMWF.

Professional interests:
  • Validation of machine learning models in real-world contexts
  • Machine learning in science and reproducibility
  • Machine learning for weather and climate predictions
  • Research software engineering & sustainable software
  • Outreach, education & communication of research
  • Testing implicit assumptions of modeling choices
Career background:

Work Experience

  • 2021 - present: Scientist for Machine Learning, ECMWF
  • 2020 - 2021: Machine Learning Engineer, GMV NSL
  • 2019 - 2020: Postdoc, Technical University of Denmark
  • 2019 - 2020: Machine Learning and Python educator, Agile*
  • 2018 - 2019: Visiting Scholar, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh
  • 2016 - 2019: PhD, Technical University of Denmark
  • 2016 - 2016: Research Assistant, Technical University of Denmark
  • 2016 - 2016: Research Assistant, GfZ Potsdam
  • 2014 - 2015: Geotechnical Student Assistant, O+P Geotechnik
  • 2013 - 2014: Lab Assistant, DESY
  • 2012 - 2012: Geophysics Intern, Schlumberger
  • 2011 - 2011: Geophysics Intern, Fugro FSI
  • 2010 - 2012: Student Research Assistant, University of Hamburg
  • 2007 - 2007: Intern Depth Imaging, GfZ Potsdam

Teaching Experience

  • 2023: Guest lecturer ML for NWP, Brown University
  • 2023: Co-organizer and lecturer ML for Weather and Climate Prediction, ECMWF MOOC
  • 2022 - today: Lecturer and organizer for ML training courses, ECMWF
  • 2021: Guest lecturer ML for geoscience, University of Hamburg
  • 2020: e-lecture on ML in geoscience, EAGE
  • 2020 - today: Online courses about ML, AI, and Data Science, Skillshare
  • 2019 - 2020: Teaching Python and ML, Consultant Agile*
  • 2016: Teaching Assistant Physics, Technical University Denmark
  • 2013: TA Seismic Wave Theory, University of Hamburg
  • 2010: TA Programming in Fortran and Matlab, University of Hamburg

Open Source Contributions



External recognitions

Memberships, Awards, Recognitions

  • 2024: Co-chair WG Modeling of the Resolutions Global Initiative
  • 2022: Fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute for ML for Science
  • 2022: Reviewer of WMO S2S AI challenge
  • 2022: Youtube Partner
  • 2021: Contributing member to WG Data, ITU Focus Group for AI 4 Natural Disaster Management
  • 2020: Kaggle TPU star
  • 2019: Top 81 worldwide Kaggle Code
  • Multiple hackathon wins

Selected Presentations & Media Appearances

Invited: Guest lecture at Brown U, Lecture Climate Research Centre Singapore, Presentation National University of Singapore, Guest Lecture at University of Hamburg, Keynote at EAGE Workshop on Seismic interpretation with AI, Session Chair Atmospheric Science Conference, Invited Talk NVBM Symposium, PyData Global Big Data Panel, Pydata Global Impact Panel; CfP: EuroScipy Talk, EuroScipy Tutorial, PyData Global Talks, PyData Global Workshop; Podcast: Data Scientist Show, Code for Thought, Software World, MidMeetPy, Undersampled Radio; AcademicSession Chair ECMWF ML Workshop, EAGE Presentations & Posters, SEG Presentation Other: ECMWF Training, MOOC, SSI Fellows Update, SSI Community Call