Margarita Choulga

Research, Earth System Modelling, Coupled Processes


Margarita is updating a land sea mask, lake cover and water mean depth file (ocean and inner water bodies) for lake parametrisation scheme in Integrated Forecasting System using high-resolution global land cover maps, water body datasets and bathymetry data. Also Margarita is updating Global Lake DataBase GLDBv3, which is one of the main components of water mean depth file.

Professional interests:
  • Lake morphological parameters and their indirect estimates;
  • Model sensitivity to changes in lake parameters (e.g. lake mean depth, light extinction coefficient);
  • Lake-Atmosphere interaction;
  • Lake / Urban area mapping.
Career background:

Ph.D. in mathematical modelling of atmospheric processes, Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU), Saint-Petersburg, Russia (2016). Thesis on “Representation of lakes in NWP and climate models: external parameters, objective analysis of the lake surface temperature and verification” (supervised by A. Ugriumov, advised by E. Kurzeneva).

M.Sc. in mathematical modelling of atmospheric processes, Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU), Saint-Petersburg, Russia (2012). Thesis on "Lake database for the Boreal zone for the purpose of Numerical Weather Prediction and climate modeling" (supervised by E. Kurzeneva).

Professional Experience

  • Since 04/2017: Scientist at ECMWF, Research Department, Earth System Predictability Section
  • Since 01/2017 (paused): Researcher, individual project "Development and Maintenance of the Global Lake Data Base" funded by EUMETNET
  • Since 08/2016 (sabbatical leave): Climatologist at LEGMC, Forecasting and Climate Department, Climate and research section
  • 2014: Researcher, individual project "Development and Maintenance of the Global Lake Data Base" funded by COSMO
  • 09/2013–12/2013: Professors assistant for "Spectral Models" course, Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU), Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • 11/2012–03/2016: Doctoral Student, Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU), Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • 09/2010–06/2012: Researcher, individual project "Updating of Global Lake DataBase" funded by ECMWF/HIRLAM







Kheyrollah Pour, H., Choulga, M., Eerola, K., Kourzeneva, E., Rontu, L., Pan, F.,
Duguay, C. R., 2017. Towards improved objective analysis of lake surface water
temperature in a NWP model: preliminary assessment of statistical properties.
A, 69, 1313025,

Choulga, M., E. Kourzeneva, E. Zakharova, and A. Doganovsky, 2014. Estimation of
the mean depth of boreal lakes for use in numerical weather prediction and climate
Tellus A, 66, 21295,

Choulga, M., E. Kourzeneva, 2014. Verification of indirect estimates for the lake depth
database for the purpose of numerical weather prediction and climate modelling.

Proceedings of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University. A theoretical
research journal, 37, 292 pp. (p. 120-142)