Mark Rodwell

Senior Scientist
Forecast, Evaluation, Diagnostics


Mark Rodwell is Coordinator of Diagnostics at ECMWF; the challenge of Diagnostics at the Centre being to evaluate (ensemble) forecast system performance and to help identify issues that could be improved.

Professional interests:
  • Diagnostics
  • Predictability
  • Ensemble data assimilation
  • Global circulation
Career background:


  • Degree in Pure Mathematics from Cambridge University
  • Teaching qualification
  • PhD on the Asian Monsoon - supervisor Professor Sir Brian Hoskins FRS


  • The dynamics of monsoons, deserts and subtropical anticyclones
  • The predictability of the North Atlantic Oscillation
  • Diagnosis of data assimilation as a means of improving forecast performance
External recognitions
  • RMetS Buchan Prize in 2012
  • Member of the WMO working group on Predictability, Diagnostics and Ensemble Forecasting