Stijn Vermoote

Head of User Outreach and Engagement Section
Forecast, User Outreach and Engagement


Stijn Vermoote is the Head of User Outreach and Engagement Section at ECMWF.  

He holds a MSc degree in Environmental Engineering (University of Leuven, 1994-1999) and a MSc degree in Management Sciences (University of Namur, 1999-2001).  He has over 20 years of experience in project management, business development and EU funding cycle management in both the private and public sector.

Stijn worked for 7 years at the European Commission within the Climate and Environmental Risks and Space research programmes and contributed to the preparation and implementation of the Copernicus Programme since 2010.  

Stijn joined ECMWF in 2015 where he initiated and managed the contractual management capacity for all outsourced Copernicus activities.

Since 2021, he is leading ECMWF’s section on user outreach and engagement ​at the service of its user communities within ECMWF Member and Co-operating States, WMO and other UN bodies, the EU institutions and it's Member States, ECMWF licensees and society in general. 

More specifically, the Section unites ECMWF resources to maintain and increase user uptake, satisfaction and experience, to explore partnerships and opportunities to unlock new potential applications and to provide training and knowledge transfer with the ultimate objective to support ECMWF strategic objectives to enhance impact of its core NWP, Copernicus and DestinE activities.  


Professional interests:
  • Climate Change / Air Quality / Earth Observation Services
  • EU Policy and Funding Schemes
  • Business Development & User Uptake
  • Research and Innovation


Career background:
2021 - now   ECMWF/Forecast and Programme DEPARTMENTs: HEAD OF SECTION USER outreach and ENGAGEMENT
2020 - 2021    ECMWF/Copernicus Department: Head of SECTION USER ENGAGEMENT Copernicus SERVICES
2015 - 2020    ECMWF/Copernicus Department: Head of SECTION Copernicus Contract Management
2010 - 2015    European Commission/REA: Research Programme Officer - Space Research
2008 – 2010    European Commission/DG RTD: Research Programme Officer - Climate Change and Environmental Risks
2004 – 2008    ARCADIS Belgium NV: International Business Development Project Manager
2002 – 2004    VITO NV: Researcher Risk Analysis and Environmental Damage Costs