Yigit Altintas

Computing and Software Support Specialist
Forecast, User Services, Computing and Software Support


Yigit Oner Altintas is a Computing and Software Support Specialist at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) in Bonn, Germany. With a strong technical background, Yigit provides expert advice and training on ECMWF’s computing platforms, cloud services, data access, and archiving systems, supporting both internal users and those in ECMWF Member and Cooperating States.

Professional interests:
  • Support for ECMWF’s high-performance computing (HPC) systems, in-house software and data access services
  • Cloud-based processing environments, specifically the European Weather Cloud (EWC)
  • Technical training and user support for ECMWF platforms and services
  • Data archiving and retrieval systems for weather and climate data
  • Numerical analysis and Python scripting for geospatial applications
  • Collaboration with Member and Cooperating States on technical projects, data needs and cloud solutions
Career background:


  • MSc in Remote Sensing, GeoInformation, and Visualization, University of Potsdam, Germany (2022)

Professional Experience

  • Since 09/2024: Computing and Software Support Specialist, ECMWF, Bonn, Germany
  • 08/2022 – 08/2024: Earth Observation Data Services Engineer, EUMETSAT via Innoflair, Darmstadt, Germany
  • 09/2020 – 05/2022: Research Assistant, GFZ-Potsdam, Germany
  • Summer 2018: Erasmus+ Intern, Institute Of Geosciences, University Of Graz, Austria
  • 2023
    • Andrea Gokus, Andreas Hänel, Andreas Ruby, Arne Dröge-Rothaar, Brita Küchly, Christopher C. M. Kyba, Daniel Fischer, David Gruber, Eva C. Weiß, Friederike Klan, Georg Sulzer, Georgia T. MacMillan, Helga Küchly, Henning Von Brandis, Isabell C. Wuthenow, Jacob Koglin, Janina Mattern, Johannes A. Schultz, Johannes Veh, Katharina Leiter, Marcus Langejahn, Maria Zschorn, Marijana Pavi´c, Maximilian Blaschke, Melanie Brauchler, Michaela Leipold, Nathalie Küppers, Nona Schulte-Römer, Normän Naboulsi, Petra Bilela, Reinhart Binder, René Curwy, Sabine Frank, Sebastian Falkner, Sicco Bauer, Steffen Liese, Swantje Maurer, Tamara Rom, Thomas Kunzemann, Vita Tičinović, Yiğit Öner Altıntaş, Loeka L. Jongejans (December 2023) Nachtlichter App, International Journal of Sustainable Lighting. DOI: 10.26607/ijsl.v25i1.133
    • Christopher C. M. Kyba, Yiğit Öner Altıntaş, Constance E. Walker, Mark Newhouse (January 2023) Citizen scientists report global rapid reductions in the visibility of stars from 2011 to 2022, Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.abq7781