DEWFORA meeting

The DEWFORA meeting took place took place between 4 to 5 October 2011


The aim of the meeting is to coordinate the work within work package 4 (Drought forecasting). In addition it aims to coordinate knowledge exchange between WP4 and the case study leaders of WP6.


Tuesday 4 October -

Meteorological drought forecasting (monthly to seasonal forecasting) at regional and continental scale Report and Data 

Willem A Landman (CSIR)


Meteorological drought forecasting (monthly to seasonal forecasting) at regional and continental scale Report and Data 

Emanuel, Florian & Fredrik (ECMWF)


Available continental scale hydrological models and their suitability for African drought forecasting

Maskey & Trambauer (UNESCO-IHE)


Project outline: statistical analysis and forecasting of drought

Mathias Seibert (GFZ)


Oumr Rbia Case Study 

Alaoui Si Bennasser (IAV)


The Niger case Study

Samuel Fournet (PIK)


The Nile case study

Mohamed Ahmed Ali (MWRI-NFC-NBCBN)


Skill assessment of remote sensed and reanalysis rainfall for drought observation in the Zambezi 

Hessel Winsemius (Deltares)


The Limpopo case study

David Love (WaterNet)

Wednesday 5 October  -
Special section on the current drought at the horn of Africa

Drought and rainfall variability in southern Africa: livelihood impacts and network responses

David Love (WaterNet)

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The connections of Pacific SST and drought over East Africa

Modathir Zaroug (DCER)

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Forecasting drought conditions (meteorology) – a case study on the horn of Africa

Emanuel, Florian & Fredrik (ECMWF)

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Monitoring drought with meteorological and remote sensing data – a case study on the horn of Africa 

Gustavo, Paulo & Jurgen (JRC)

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Generalized mapping-based precipitation calibration methodology for impacts modelling: a special look at the African regions 

Francesca (ECMWF)

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